“A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins” - taught me a bunch of useful things I didn't know that I didn't know about IPv6 in practice. Good stuff! https://gist.github.com/timothyham/dd003dbad5614b425a8325ec820fd785
@timbray I'm... tempted to read this, but conflicted, because I'm not sure that I really want to have more cursed networking knowledge
Concept 2 is the one that bites me the most often while trying to use ipv6... I am never sure which one is real and which one is link-local DOH!!!
@timbray Nice, but...
As a typical user with a small home network (NOT a lab), what will happen if I stick my head in the sand and ignore IPv6 completely? Granted that's another article, but it might be useful.