I sometimes feel like I should do more blogging. But, I also feel like whatever I'd write would be but an unseen drop in a vast influencer ocean. So, why even bother? Needless to say, this is not helping...
@dabeaz I never watch technical videos, but a friend recommended me your lambda video and I devoured it. I would love more material of that style- in written form would be even better.
I don't think the material you'd write has anything to do with the "vast influencer ocean", so I would ignore that the ocean exists wrt. to your decision. Certainly you might not hit the front pages of trendy pages, but I know there's more people like me that would appreciate it.
@dabeaz Wrt. to the Medium, I think you can do something with GH Pages (or equivalent services) in <2hrs. I would recommend you avoiding anything like Medium (sorry, but esp. please avoid anything that I can't read without disabling NoScript), but I'd do the easiest thing you can find for hosting, and focus on the writing- at least for now.
You can always iterate and polish the hosting.